A much adored old favourite, the red lady bug settles in to our garden quilt with precious pink, meadow green and sunny yellow in classic gingham brings sunshine, lady bugs, butterflies and pretty flowers to our gentle co ordinates and wins every heart. 100% cotton shell and hand layered organic cotton fill. Hand quilted and hand layered organic cotton fill. Hand quilted and hand layered for a unique soft touch and warmth.
Quilted Table Runner
LadyBug Table Runner Short 54"W x 16"L
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A much adored old favourite, the red lady bug settles in to our garden quilt with precious pink, meadow green and sunny yellow in classic gingham brings sunshine, lady bugs, butterflies and pretty flowers to our gentle co ordinates and wins every heart. 100% cotton shell and hand layered organic cotton fill. Hand quilted and hand layered organic cotton fill. Hand quilted and hand layered for a unique soft touch and warmth.
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